I love a dark and Gothic Christmas! Always have. My home always looks like Halloween anyways, but when I add my white tree with black lights and purple and black ornaments, it gives it that special glow, just perfect for the Holidays.
Looking at Raven's store and her holiday items are a perfect match. With her holiday greeting cards and wreath. Everything is awesome even for gifts like the cross and bone neclace. SO this week I present you:
Raven Young from
Dreadful ThingsWhen did you start making your goodies? My parents were both artists so it was only natural I would become a creative spirit. I began painting as a child and sewing/jewelry making as a teenager. I started out sewing and crafting as a teen because I did not enjoy the clothing sold in stores and wanted to create items for myself that had a dark edge. I took pride in wearing items that no one else could. In my teens and early 20s people began asking me if I could make similar items to sell. For a long time I refused to make and sell items for people because I was so protective of my look and style. I was fearful that somehow I would lose part of my identity if others wore my creations. I finally grew a brain and started to sell to the public when I realized I could make money at it (duh!). I only started selling my Gothic themed holiday cards to the public about two years ago. I had offers from card companies to buy the designs but figured I would try to sell them on my own first.
Where can people buy your stuff? My paintings are usually only offered when I do gallery showings but I put a few on
ETSY from time to time. My other items (cards, jewelry, home decor) are mainly sold on Etsy. I sometimes vend at alternative craft shows, clubs, pagan events. Some people have even contacted me via Twitter, livejournal or facebook for sales. The best way to get a taste of my work is to check out my store "Dreadful Things By Raven" on Etsy.
http://www.ravenofskys.etsy.comWhat is your Favorite thing about selling your handmade items? I get so much pleasure out of selling my works to other people. It comforts me to know that others enjoy my creations and want to own them for theirselves. It is also very neat to go to a club in another city and then see someone there is wearing one of my necklaces. For years people have told me that my art and creations were just too strange to find buyers but now I see how very wrong those people are!
What are your plans for the future? The goal is to be able to quit my day job and do this full time within the next two years. I am also working on getting gallery showing again for my paintings. The greeting card side of my business is always expanding and I plan on finalizing some more contracts with commercial stores soon.
Lastly, Anything you want to add? Believe in your art and be true to creativity. There is a market for everything and half the battle is just finding the market but do not give up!

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